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victory is ours中文是什么意思

用"victory is ours"造句"victory is ours"怎么读"victory is ours" in a sentence


  • 胜利属于我们


  • Frenzy by the space bar , we must adhere , victory is ours
  • The victory is ours
  • " and that is the very thing that alarms me , " returned dant s . " man does not appear to me to be intended to enjoy felicity so unmixed ; happiness is like the enchanted palaces we read of in our childhood , where fierce , fiery dragons defend the entrance and approach ; and monsters of all shapes and kinds , requiring to be overcome ere victory is ours
    “使我感到不安的也正是这一点, ”唐太斯答道“在我看来幸福似乎不该这样轻易到手的,幸福应该是我们小时候书上所读到的神奇的魔宫,有凶猛的毒守在入口,有各种各样大大小小的的妖魔鬼怪挡主去路,要征服这一切,就非去战斗不可。
用"victory is ours"造句  
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